Tutorial - How to Make Melted Crayon Art

Tutorial - How to Make Melted Crayon Art

Fun abstract art with crayons

Crayon Art Tutorial at Grow Creative Blog

"Here's a little tutorial for ya, so you can go make your own Melted Crayon Abstract Art with your kids, your spouse, your friends...... whoever!  Materials:  Paper, Masking Tape, Crayons,
Hair Dryer,    Step 1:  Lay out some paper (I used 90 lb drawing paper because it's a little more durable, but regular computer paper will work too) and tape it down to a table or board. This will make a nice border and keep the paper in place for the next steps".... Read more

- Tutorial - Watercolor Abstact Stripes Art
Find a photo that grabs your attention and use the colors from it Tutorial at Grow Creative Blog "Ok, I realize that I make a lot of stuff with stripes.  I recently concocted a new abstract watercolor design using them. They're just that cool! ...

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Recycle those crayon pieces Molded Crayon Tutorial at Fan of Stuff Blog "I recently volunteered to bring an item for goodie bags since the local preschool was coming to visit our offices in March. My coworker suggested crayons. Now, if you’re a crafty...

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Use a white crayon as a resist Watercolor Valentine Tutorial at Grow Creative Blog "Last week my son and I experimented with watercolors and crayons to make some crayon resist Valentine's Cards!  They may look a bit amateur- ish,...

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Good for Crayon Block Storage Felted Crayon PouchTutorial at Show Tell Share Blog "What are block crayons, you ask? Well, crayons shaped like blocks of course. Made of beeswax, they're fun to use, smell great, and make beautiful pictures. A couple...

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Fun Technique with Great Results Straw Art Tutorial at Grow Creative Blog "I hope you are ready for another abstract watercolor tutorial!  I just love doing these.  I think what I like most is (hopefully)  inspiring others and helping...

