Tutorial - How to Make a Felted Crayon Pouch

Tutorial - How to Make a Felted Crayon Pouch

Good for Crayon Block Storage

Felted Crayon PouchTutorial at Show Tell Share Blog

"What are block crayons, you ask? Well, crayons shaped like blocks of course. Made of beeswax, they're fun to use, smell great, and make beautiful pictures. A couple of years ago I bought my kids each a set for Christmas, and we love them. I bought ours from Paper, Scissors, Stone, I found them to be the most affordable at the time. They came in a tin, but I didn't like how the crayons rubbed their colors off on each other, so when you wanted to make a nice swath of red with the red crayon you'd get all these other colors mixed in. So I made crayon pouches for my kids, so each crayon would have it's own little cozy pocket to slide into, to remain free and unsullied by other colors. Recently our homeschool co-op bought crayons for the children, so I found myself making more pouches, and since some of the other moms wanted to know how to make them, I decided to post a tutorial here".... Read more

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