Tutorial - How to Make Molded Crayons

Tutorial - How to Make Molded Crayons

Recycle those crayon pieces

Molded Crayon Tutorial at Fan of Stuff Blog

"I recently volunteered to bring an item for goodie bags since the local preschool was coming to visit our offices in March. My coworker suggested crayons. Now, if you’re a crafty person, it’s easy to see how you couldn’t fathom just BUYING something for these kids. I mean, come on; I know there’s a ton of crafts with crayons out there. So after asking if I could essentially play with them before the kids, I got my thumbs up and was ready to embark on my molded crazy crayons tutorial. I forgot that these things never work out the way they do in my head. I craft the same way I cook, which means I take a general idea and then throw out the rules. After several… let’s say learning experiences I got these to work. This can be done with any mold you choose. However, I will tell you from experience that single-sided molds work best. Also, silicon molds make them easier and faster to remove".... Read more

- Tutorial - How To Make Molded Crayons
Reshape old crayons into fun shapes Tutorial at Life & Lisa Blog "My craft collection is vast, vast and old. I've had a strong love for all things crafty since I was a child and thus I have a few things that don't get a lot of love. I was...

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Fun abstract art with crayons Crayon Art Tutorial at Grow Creative Blog "Here's a little tutorial for ya, so you can go make your own Melted Crayon Abstract Art with your kids, your spouse, your friends...... whoever!  Materials: ...

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Kids will love drawing with these fun shaped crayons! Fat Crayon Tutorial at ajoeynamedroo creations "My sister Rachel made these cute crayons for our nephew Jackson. He'll have to wait a little while to use them, he's only 3 almost 4 months old...

- Tutorial - How To Recycle Crayons
What a great way to use up those broken crayons! These would make nice party favors too. Recycle Crayons Tutorial at Naptime Crafts "Since I'm finding pieces of crayons ALL over the house, I gathered them all up and made this simple project..." Read...

