// Create the loader object that will be used to load the
// external image files. I've named it picLoader. We'll only
// need one loader since we don't plan on displaying the images
// at the same time. We only want to load and display them one
// at a time.
var picLoader:Loader = new Loader();
// Create the URLRequest objects that specify the filenames
// of the external image files. We need to create 1 URLRequest
// per image file. We have 2 images so we need to create two
// URLRequest objects. I've named the first one picURL1, which
// requests for bird.jpg. I've named the second one picURL2, which
// requests for candles.jpg.
var picURL1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bird.jpg");
var picURL2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("candles.jpg");
// Add the event listeners for each of the buttons. We will
// use a CLICK event to tell Flash to respond. When any of
// the buttons are clicked, Flash will begin to load the
// corresponding image.
pic1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickOne);
pic2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTwo);
// These are the event listener functions for the CLICK
// event handlers. I've created two different functions
// for each of the buttons since each button will be
// loading a different image. (but do know that there are
// more effecient ways to go about this).
// This clickOne event listener function is for when the
// pic1_btn button is clicked
function clickOne(e:MouseEvent):void
// Add the event listeners for ProgressEvent.PROGRESS
// and Event.COMPLETE.
// This is for the preloading of the images.
picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
// This load statement below is the line that tells Flash to
// start loading the image.
// This next function does the same thing as the function above,
// except that it will load a different image as specified in the
// load statement.
// This one is for the second button and will load
// picURL2 (the candles.jpg image), while the other one will load
// picURL1 (the bird.jpg image).
function clickTwo(e:MouseEvent):void
picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
// This is the event listener function for ProgressEvent.PROGRESS.
// It contains the preloader formula.
function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void
// The line below calculates how much of the file has already
// been loaded.
var nPercent:Number = Math.round(e.target.bytesLoaded / e.target.bytesTotal * 100);
// This next line outputs the results from the preloading
// calculations.
// The value will be displayed in the percent_txt TextField
// on the stage.
percent_txt.text = nPercent.toString() + " %";
// This is the event listener function for Event.COMPLETE
// (dispatched when the image has successfully loaded completely).
function onComplete(e:Event):void
// Remove the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS and Event.COMPLETE
// listeners once the image has been loaded.
picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
// Add the loader to the display list so that the image that
// was loaded will be visible on the stage.
// Adjust the x and y position of the loader so that it fits
// within the border drawn on the stage. If you don't put
// these lines, then the loader position will default to
// x = 0 and y = 0 (making it appear on the upper left corner
// of the stage.
picLoader.x = 75;
picLoader.y = 30;