How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

How to mix audio - If you're new to audio mixing, and would like to learn more in order to improve your skills, then Audio Mixing Bootcamp by is a great training course to help you reach your goals. These audio mixing lessons and tutorials are great for beginners and people who'd like to improve their music mixing skills. In this course, you'll learn things like how to optimize your listening environment; efficient ways to prepare and set up a mix; properly balancing your mix; best ways to apply EQ to the different elements in your mix; adding reverb, delay and modulation; the differences between amateur and pro-sounding mixes, and more! To learn more about the course, watch the free audio mixing video tutorials below or visit the course details page. As a special promotion, visitors of Tutorials 101 can get a free 7-day trial pass to get complete access to this course along with the entire training library of over 1000 training courses.

Audio Mixing Bootcamp by



Determining the listening position - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Setting up your subgroups - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Assigning the drums to a subgroup - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Building the mix from the kick - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Setting up the compressor - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Learning noise gate basics - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Understanding equalizer parameters - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Equalizing the bass - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners

Equalizing the horns - How to mix audio - Audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners


Course Information

Training Provider:
Title: Audio Mixing Bootcamp
Author: Bobby Owsinski
Duration: 8hrs 53mins
Date of release: 11 November 2011

Chapter 1: Improving Your Listening Environment
Determining the listening position
Fixing acoustic problems
Setting up your monitors

Chapter 2: Prepping Your Mix
Setting up your session
Setting up your subgroups
Setting up your effects

Chapter 3: Learning the Basics of Mixing
Developing the groove
Emphasizing the most important elements
Knowing what to avoid

Chapter 4: Building Your Mix
Learning the principles of building a mix
Assigning the drums to a subgroup
Building the mix from the kick
Building the mix from the snare
Building the mix from the toms
Building the mix from the overhead mics
Checking the drum phase
Balancing direct and miked bass channels
Building the mix from the bass
Building the mix from the vocals
Balancing the rhythm section
Balancing the rest of the instruments with the rhythm section
Making a mix without building it
Balancing the harmony vocals

Chapter 5: Panning
Looking at the three main panning areas
Panning the drums
Avoiding pseudo-stereo

Chapter 6: Exploring Compression
Understanding compressor parameters
Setting up the compressor
Compressing the drums
Compressing the room mics
Compressing the bass
Using the New York compression trick
Compressing the clean electric guitars
Compressing the distorted electric guitars
Compressing the acoustic guitars
Compressing the piano
Compressing the electric keyboards
Compressing the vocals
Compressing the horns

Chapter 7: Using Noise Gates and De-Essers
Learning noise gate basics
Using the noise gate on guitars
Using the noise gate on drums
Learning de-esser basics
Using the de-esser on vocals

Chapter 8: Learning About EQ
Understanding equalizer parameters
Learning subtractive equalization
Learning frequency juggling
Using the magic high-pass filter
Learning the principles of equalization

Chapter 9: Applying EQ to the Rhythm Section
Equalizing the kick
Equalizing the snare
Equalizing the rack toms
Equalizing the floor tom
Equalizing the hi-hat
Equalizing the cymbal or the overhead mics
Equalizing the room mics
Equalizing the bass
Editing the bass rhythm
Equalizing the rhythm section

Chapter 10: Applying EQ to the Instruments
Equalizing the electric guitar
Equalizing the acoustic guitar
Equalizing the hand percussion
Equalizing the lead vocals
Equalizing the background vocals
Equalizing the piano
Equalizing the organ
Equalizing the strings
Equalizing the horns

Chapter 11: Understanding Reverb
Learning the principles of reverb
Understanding reverb parameters
Timing the reverb to the track
Equalizing the reverb
Using the two-reverb quick setup
Using the three-reverb setup

Chapter 12: Adding Reverb
Adding reverb to the drums
Adding reverb to the vocals
Adding reverb to the guitars
Adding reverb to the piano
Adding reverb to the organ
Adding reverb to the strings
Adding reverb to the horns
Adding reverb to the percussion
Using reverb to layer the mix

Chapter 13: Adding Delay
Learning delay principles
Understanding delay parameters
Timing the delay to the track
Using delay timing variations
Equalizing the delay
Understanding the Haas effect
Using the three-delay setup
Adding delay to the vocals
Using delay to layer the mix

Chapter 14: Adding Modulation Effects
Understanding the types of modulation
Understanding modulation parameters
Modulating the guitars
Modulating the keyboards
Modulating the vocals
Modulating the strings

Chapter 15: The Final Mix
Mixing with subgroups
Using mix buss compression
Understanding the evils of hypercompression
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As a special promotion, visitors of this site can get a FREE 7-day trial to This free trial gives you access to their entire training library of over 1000 courses.

Are you ready to learn how to mix audio and start making great music? If you enjoyed these audio mixing lessons and tutorials for beginners, then sign up for a membership today! Your membership gives you access to this training course, as well as's entire library of over 1000 high-quality video training courses.


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