ActionScript is a programming language used to develop applications that will run on the Adobe Flash Player platform. In this page, you'll find a list of beginner's level ActionScript 3 tutorials that will help you understand how to use the ActionScript 3 language to add interactivity to your Flash movies. If you're a Flash designer or animator who is looking to expand your skills in Flash by learning ActionScript 3, I encourage you to browse through these articles, and hope that you will learn a few new things. The lessons are grouped into different categories, which include topics such as Flash AS3 Event Handling, Working with Sound in AS3, and Creating ActionScript 3 Preloaders to name a few. This page is also updated whenever new tutorials are available. And to provide a more hands-on approach to learning, some lessons come with exercise files as well, which you can download for free and work with as you read the articles. So if you're ready to learn ActionScript 3, start reading the lessons and get on track to becoming knowledgeable in this powerful programming language. Have fun learning ActionScript 3!
Introduction to AS3
Assigning Instance Names and Modifying some Movie Clip Properties in AS3 Introduction to Flash AS3 Variables Expressions and Operators in ActionScript 3
Flash AS3 Events
Introduction to Flash AS3 Event Handling How to Create an AS3 Event Listener The AS3 Event Object Using the AS3 EnterFrame Event to Create Coded Animation in Flash
Working with MovieClips
The AS3 'this' keyword and how to randomize the size of a MovieClip instance on the stage Enabling Users to Drag and Drop MovieClips Testing Collision Between Two MoveClips
Flash ActionScript 3.0 Preloader Tutorial
Preloading in Flash AS3 [PART 1] Preloading in Flash AS3 [PART 2]
Working with the Flash ActionScript 3.0 Timer Class
Introduction to the Flash ActionScript 3 Timer Class
Working with Text in Flash AS3
AS3 TextFields - The Basics Working with AS3 Input Text Fields Formatting Text in AS3 ActionScript 3 String to Number Conversion ActionScript 3 Number to String Conversion Enabling the User to Submit the Contents Inside an Input Text Field [PART 1] Working with External Text in Flash ActionScript 3 - Loading the Text [PART 2] Working with External Text in Flash ActionScript 3 - Formatting the Text [PART 3] Working with External Text in Flash ActionScript 3 - Scrolling the Text
Working with Sound in Flash ActionScript 3
Introduction to the AS3 Sound and SoundChannel Classes Playing Sound from the Library and Making a Sound Clip Loop in AS3 Pausing and Resuming Sound using Flash AS3 Flash AS3 Volume Controls
Working with Arrays in Flash ActionScript 3.0
Creating a Simple Quiz Game with Flash AS3 [PART 1] Creating a Simple Quiz Game with Flash AS3 [PART 2] Creating Multiple TextFields and Arranging their Positions using Arrays and For Loops in AS3 Retrieving the Index Value of an Item in a Flash AS3 Array
Working with the Flash AS3 Tween Class
The Flash AS3 Tween Class - Introduction Flash AS3 Tween Events
Miscellaneous Flash AS3 Topics
Passing Custom Parameters to Flash ActionScript 3 Event Handlers How to Fix the Error #1009 Preloading Issue in Flash AS3 Flash AS3 Stage Focus and Keyboard Event Issue and How to Remove the Yellow Border around Objects in Focus AS3 Random Numbers Generator
Featured ActionScript 3 Video Tutorial
Animating an Object Using the AS3 Enter Frame Event
Featured ActionScript 3 Training Courses If you're looking for more ActionScript 3 training, check out these great training courses from Click on the links below to learn more about the courses, and to watch some free sample videos. If you want free access to all of the videos in these courses, you can sign-up for a free 10-day trial pass. is a great site for software training, and I use it myself so that I can stay updated on the latest training courses for Adobe products, and more.
ActionScript 3.0 Training by
ActionScript 3.0 in Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training
Flash Professional CS5: Code Snippets and Templates in Depth
Flash Professional CS5: Creating a Simple Game for Android Devices
Flash Professional CS5: Creating a Simple Game for iOS Devices
Thank you for visiting our Flash ActionScript 3 Tutorials for Beginners page. Like us on Facebook if you enjoyed this page, and feel free to share this with others who might be interested. We hope you visit us again! :)
- Tutorial - How To Create Dancing Stars In Flash Without Actionscript
Ok, the stars to the left aren't dancing, but they are when you click through to stunningmesh. Very cool! Dancing Stars in Flash without ActionScript Tutorial at stunningmesh "In this Flash tutorial you will learn about Movie Clips, working on Guided...
- Classes And Objects In Actionscript 3
In this lesson, I'll be explaining what classes and objects are. We'll be understanding these terms within the context of ActionScript, but classes and objects really are concepts that are part of most programming languages. So the general idea...
- Introduction To As3 Event Handling - Learn All About As3 Event Listeners
Part 1: Introduction to AS3 event handling Part 2: How to create an AS3 event listener Part 3: The AS3 event object by Alberto Medalla Lecturer, Ateneo de Manila University In this series of articles, we're going to learn all about the basics of Flash...
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