Tutorial - Make a Fabric Embroidered Bookmark

Tutorial - Make a Fabric Embroidered Bookmark

Simple bookmarks are perfect for teaching children to embroider

Tutorial at Adventures of a DIY Mom

"My youngest daughter embroidered these fabric bookmarks for her siblings for Christmas this year. She's only five. I am super impressed with her attention to detail and the fact that she stuck with it until they were done. I helped her knot the thread and tie it off, but she did all of the embroidery herself. We started at the beginning of November and pulled them out every few days and she would do a little bit or a lot depending on her mood. I think one of the reasons that this was enjoyable for her was that I tried not to rush her. We started in plenty of time and I let her quit when she was tired of doing it".... Read more

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Pink the edges for a quick finish Bookmark Tutorial at The Crafty Mummy Blog "Do you have lots of fabric scraps? Me too! I have scraps from cutting pencil cases and coin purses for my Shop, plus I have scraps of the interfacing I use in the pencil cases....

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