Tutorial - Ideas on Making a To-Do List

Tutorial - Ideas on Making a To-Do List

Illustrate your lists with your own artwork

  List Tutorial at Speckled Sydney Blog

"Apparently our brains can only deal with seven choices before we become overwhelmed. When we’re faced with too many options we’re more likely to do the opposite of what we need to do (Scientific fact). Yesterday I had a list of domestic chores to wade through and health insurance to sort out. Instead I went shopping for maternity wear and made an Easter Parade bonnet! If I had made my list shorter, would my bank account be k-chinging to the tune of medicare rebates? Hmm, probably not. Nonetheless, rather than bore you (and me) to tears with a list that would read like this: Wipe down all appliances, clean and clear all flat surfaces, iron school uniforms…argh big yawn… I set myself a goal…to make a list that I can bravely attempt to stick to".... Read more

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A free printable grocery list is included in this tutorial Grocery List Notepad Tutorial at The Letter 4 Blog "Now, I don't know about all of you, but my grocery lists were always a mess. I would walk through the store, and then back through it...

