Tutorial - How to Upfashion a Breakfast Mat

Tutorial - How to Upfashion a Breakfast Mat

Make up a batch of these as Christmas gifts

Breakfast Mat Tutorial at A Spoonful of Sugar Blog

"On a recent trip to IKEA we discovered some Marit placemats in a neutral cream colour for only $1.50 each. I bought a few as they are perfect for Breakfast Mats. I added a strip of patchwork made from Tumbler blocks and now it puts a smile on my face when I eat my breakfast".... Read more

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Colorful marshmallows make these extra special Tutorial at The Seaman Mom Blog "Do you guys deal with a picky eater? I bet you hate it as much as I do! My daughter is pretty unpredictable when it comes to food, sometimes she likes certain food only...

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Toppings are optional, choose your favorites Tutorial at The Seaman Mom Blog "So, you love pizza. Good news is, you are not alone in this; I think millions, yours truly included, would trade an apple for a slice of pizza any time a day, right? So why...

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Recipe for a Breakfast Shamrock Shake Tutorial at Chicago Jogger Blog "To celebrate the new month of March {my birthday month!} and the upcoming Irish holiday in a few weeks, I have a healthy new green breakfast "milkshake" to share. Yes, green for shamrock....

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This looks yummy! Fried Bread Tutorial at Mooberry Farm Homesteading Blog "Whenever I ask my clan what they want for breakfast, they almost always request fried bread. It is a real favorite around here! I tend to plan a bread baking for Saturday morning....

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Sounds heavenly! Really interesting post about donuts in classic literature too! Nutella Donuts Recipe at Show, Tell, Share "On a recent family vacation to Maine, one morning for breakfast my aunt treated us to her homemade doughnuts. I'd tried making...

