Tutorial - How to Organize Sewing Patterns

Tutorial - How to Organize Sewing Patterns

Isn't she so smart?!

Organize Sewing Patterns Tutorial at Cindys Custom Creations
"I think you'll love this method as much as I do. The best part is my daughters and I can easily look through all of them without damaging the envelopes or losing pieces as they look at the envelopes. It also makes it really easy to compare similar patterns to decide which design element we like the best.

For years, I kept my patterns in a big plastic bin, and would sift through them when planning a project. I tried sorting them by type, but they always seemed to get jumbled up. Plus, the envelopes were getting all worn from this storage method, and any used patterns were bulging from trying to get the used pieces back in. All in all, a hot mess...." Read more

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