Tutorial - How to Make Zucchini Nuggets

Tutorial - How to Make Zucchini Nuggets

A fun way to get kids to eat their veggies

Tutorial at Make the Best of Everything Blog

"All I have to do is call it a ” Nugget” and let him dip it in Ketchup.   It has become THAT easy. I have Hid vegetables, Fibbed about what was in his Mac and Cheese, researched on how to sneak vegetables, baked vegetables into cookies, AND even presented roasted cauliflower as ” ketchup Dippers”.  As I was making dinner tonight, I saw 2 large zucchini staring me in the face.  Now How can I prepare these in a way that he ( 2 1/2 year old) will eat them?  Oh right.  Make them into Nuggets and Dip them in ketchup.  I have done worse".... Read more

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