Tutorial - How to Make Watercolor Art Cards

Tutorial - How to Make Watercolor Art Cards

I loved those Paint With Water books! What a neat idea - to make them for your own kids!

Watercolor Art Cards Tutorial at Skooks' Playground
"Do any of you remember Paint with Water books? I haven't seen them for sale in ages (maybe I just don't shop at the right stores anymore), but they were HUGE when I was a kid. And they were a super great craft gift for kids because they are SO EASY to do. Grab a Dixie cup of water and a little brush and paint a rainbow [brite] of colors, NO PAINT NECESSARY!
When Cynthia told me that she had a DIY version of Paint with Water in mind for this tutorial I was geeked beyond belief. This would be a great project to do with your kids, you could make a little book of your own drawings for a gift, heck . . . these look so cool and I'm feeling all nostalgic now I may just have to do a couple for myself...." Read more

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Find a photo that grabs your attention and use the colors from it Tutorial at Grow Creative Blog "Ok, I realize that I make a lot of stuff with stripes.  I recently concocted a new abstract watercolor design using them. They're just that cool! ...

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Use child safe paint and have fun! Painting Tutorial at Photolist Me Blog "Here's a fun, inexpensive craft idea for your kids. Uses paint, a canvas and some masking tape. My 2 year old loves this because it involves paint. This craft idea is great...

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A simple kid friendly idea Outline Art Tutorial at Meaningful Mama Blog "This is such a simple painting project that gives fun, bold results. The concept helps kids to control a paint brush and learn to color within the lines. All you do is paint on...

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Kids will have fun with their homemade paint Sidewalk Paint Tutorial at East Coast Mommy Blog "A few weeks ago, we had some warm days, so the boys and I headed outside to paint our street with some environmentally friendly sidewalk paint.  All you...

