Tutorial - How to Make Times Tables Hanging Pockets

Tutorial - How to Make Times Tables Hanging Pockets

This could be used for absolutely anything!

Times Tables Hanging Pockets Tutorial at Creating my way to Success
"My 2 daughters, and ages 6 and 8 are both learning their times tables. I've been helping them along the way - and learning too about the best ways to teach them. My dad was a maths teacher - and I remember doing lots of work with my times tables at home as a kid! So I have lots of experience to draw upon!
One thing I've found that works really well, and they love doing is playing 'Memory' or 'Pairs' - the card game where you have to match 2 cards and pair them off.
So as we've worked our way through the tables, I've been making them sets of Memory cards.
It then seemed important to make something to keep these sets of game cards in. Something that they could easily find the set they're looking for and so play them by themselves whenever they want!..." Read more

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