Tutorial - How to Make Lemon Curd

Tutorial - How to Make Lemon Curd

For An Extra Treat - a Song by Peter, Paul, and Mary

Lemon Curd Tutorial at RosMadeMe Blog

"Before we start you need to know some things about my family.  My mother was a marvellous plain cook, she could make proper pastry... you need to have seen her making puff or flaky pastry at 10.00pm on Christmas Eve in the days before frozen pastry, or pursing her lips at at a recalcitrant steak and kidney pudding that was refusing to leave its bowl.  However, her  major forte was the jam making BUT this was done on an industrial scale... for weeks, nay months we would collect the jam jars and she would smuggle extra bags of sugar used to convert Summer fruits into Autumn and Winter jewels into the larder.  We are moving towards the Spring... so what better to make for Breakfast or High Tea on Sunday than some really special Lemon Curd and just enough to fill a couple of jars rather than trying to set up as alternate to the Tiptree Jam makers".... Read more

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