Tutorial - How to Make a Play Library

Tutorial - How to Make a Play Library

Children will have fun playing librarian with this set

Play Library Tutorial at Make the Best of Everything Blog

"Here is my latest installment in a long line of "Homemade Children's gifts".  I had been thinking about how I was going to make one of these for a while now.  I like to make gifts for kids that help initiate pretend, and learning. I love making gifts for all the children in my life!  I wanted to make a special gift for my cousin's daughter Madison.  Madison is about 10 months older than my son, and Madison has donated MANY of her unused diapers to my son.  That has saved us quite a bit of money. I wanted to show Madison and her parents how much we appreciate them.   Here is a gift that will help Madison turn her book collection into a " at home" library".... Read more

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PDF tutorial describes each step Tutorial at Frianki Blog "I needed a project today for 7 year old Madison, who wanted to learn to sew while I was fiddling around in my sewing room during nap time… So we created a bag!  Short enough to keep up...

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These make good gifts, but not recommended for small children Heating Pad Tutorial at Faith Filled Food for Moms Blog "I realized the other day as I got into bed that my feet were so cold..and then I remembered..time to get out my homemade heating pad!...

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She chose organic items for this thoughtful gift Ice Cream Kit Tutorial at Make the Best of Everything Blog "If you have followed me for a while now, then you know that I have a whole series of Homemade gifts for all the kiddos in my life!  This...

