Tutorial - How to Make a Clothes Pin Plane

Tutorial - How to Make a Clothes Pin Plane

Make a bunch for a cute mobile

Clothes Peg Planes Tutorial at The Crafty Mummy Blog

"Some crafts are so simple you just have to have a go! This idea came to me one night as I looked at the collection of wooden pegs on top of my microwave that came from our local Pizza Capers. You could use any wooden pegs but I love the idea of recycling these".... Read more

- Tutorial - How To Make A Doll Clothes Closet
Playtime Doll's Closet, so sweet. Doll Clothes Closet Tutorial at Handmade Con Amor Blog "This is the funky little closet I made for my sweet G and her beloved dolls.I used an old wooden crate (I promise to paint... promise!) an old clothes hanger...

- Tutorial - How To Make A St Patrick's Day Pizza
Clever and delicious! St Patrick's Day Pizza Tutorial at Make the Best of Everything "On Valentines Day I made this Valentines Day Pizza. I got to thinking one night about St. Patricks day, and I thought of a good idea for a St. Patricks Day Pizza!..."...

- Tutorial - How To Make Clothespin Dolls
So cute! I love it when kids are given (or help create) the simplest of toys. I think it's so great for them. Clothespin Dolls Tutorial at ShabbyNChic "I found a bag of old wooden clothespins and was curious what people do with them (other than hang...

- Tutorial - How To Make Wooden Clothespin Gift Tags
What a sweet idea. It'll add that special handmade touch to your gifts. The kids would love to help with this one! Wooden Clothespin Gift Tags Tutorial at Rad Linc Crafts "Here's another option for fancy homemade gift tags. It takes a bit more...

- Tutorial - How To Make Clothespin And Peg People
You MUST click through to see this tutorial! I had the hardest time choosing just one photo to show here. Making a village with your kids will be only the beginning. Imagine all of the creative play that your children will have with their own village....

