Tutorial - How to Make a Child's Fishing Game

Tutorial - How to Make a Child's Fishing Game

I remember the fishing game I made for my boys - construction paper, paper clips and magnets - nothing like this adorable tutorial!

Funky Fishing Tutorial at The Crazy Gecko
"I decided to make her a magnetic fishing kit and a queit book to keep her busy in the back of the car and I'm glad to say ... IT WORKED!..." Read more

- Tutorial - Backyard Tic Tac Toe Game
Cute game uses a few pavers and river rocks Tutorial at A Mom's Take Blog "My boys LOVE playing Tic Tac Toe! Whenever my 8 year old gets a scrap of paper, it’s instantly filled with tic tac toe grids and he’s asking all of us if we want to play....

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A fun edible craft Tutorial at the Tip Toe Fairy Blog "A few weeks ago we attended a spaghetti dinner at my youngest’s preschool. It’s the big fundraiser for the school with silent auctions and a big bake sale.  I brought cotton candy cake pops...

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Magnets in the fish mouths are the secret to catching them Tutorial at KaBloom Studios Blog "I’ve been busy putting my winter break to good use. Brushing up on my sewing skills, I had a ball putting together this darling gift idea for the kids in...

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So cute! For non-girlie rooms - how about fabric scraps? Rose Petal Chandelier Tutorial at The Country Chic Cottage "Wanna know how to make it? Your gonna need 3 rings. I used 3 different sized embroidery rings. Just the inside portion. Plus some fishing...

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Great reminder of this fun game! Making it with the kids would be as fun as playing the game! Picture Card Game Tutorial at Woolly Wotnots "After chatting about my top 10 essential games for every home earlier this week, I decided to make one of my own...pairs....

