Tutorial - How to Make a BFF Puzzle Necklace

Tutorial - How to Make a BFF Puzzle Necklace

So cute for two little BFFs!

BFF Puzzle Necklace Tutorial at Speckless
"A few weeks ago I was wondering if they still made those “Best Friends” necklaces — you know, the ones that said “best” on one half and “friends” on the other half, and when you put them together they form a heart that says “best friends.” I don’t know what made me think about it, but anyway . . . I wanted to make some necklaces like that. This is what I came up with. I actually think the puzzle pieces are a little more subtle and you can fit a bunch of them together if you want to (I remember a few incidents in grade school when one person would feel really bad when two of her other friends got the “Best Friends” necklaces and she was left out)...." Read more

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