Tutorial - How to Harvest Black Walnuts

Tutorial - How to Harvest Black Walnuts

My neighbor used to bake black walnut cake - delicious!

Black Walnut Tutorial at Homestead Cooking Blog

"The flavor of black walnuts lends a gourmet touch to cakes, cookies, breads, and other baked goods. The flavor is so distinct that once you’ve tasted them, you immediately known when the baker has added them to the recipe. In my previous post, Black Walnut Harvesting and Recipes Coming Up, I stated that I would share the how-to’s of harvesting. It was cold out Saturday, in the 40 degree range, and I didn’t want to get walnut stains on my coat, and I just had on a couple of thin shirts. Needless to say, all I thought about was pressing on and getting this job finished".... Read more

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