Tutorial - How to Dye Yarn with Madder

Tutorial - How to Dye Yarn with Madder

Pot and tools should be used exclusively for dyeing

Tutorial at Solene Knits Blog

"I just received a case of big natural wool and decided to start again experimenting with natural dyeing. I dyed a skein with a mixture of plants called "henné noir" but there is no henna nor indigo in it. Well, I got a beautiful brown with it. I dyed another skein with madder. Last time I tried dyeing with madder, I got a very light pink so I was really not satisfied. But this time, I obtained the perfect madder red. Let me show you how I did".... Read more

- Tutorial - How To Coffee Dye Silk
No chemicals in this dyeing process   Dye Tutorial at Miss P Blog "Sooooo, following on from yesterday's post about tea dyeing, I had ANOTHER silk top that was gifted to me by a lovely friend. The pale lilac colour really washed me out though so...

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Pretty in rainbow colors MittenTutorial at Smiles are Contagious Blog "This is made from yarn I found in my local yarn shop, called flock, and I developed the pattern around the yarn. That’s how much I fell in love with it. Normally, I develop a...

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Gorgeous and so fun! Hand Paint Wool Yarn Tutorial at Show Tell Share "My Mom is a knitter and she loves colorful yarn. In Hungary, the yarn selection does not even come close to what is available here in the States. I took her to our LYS (local yarn...

- Tutorial - How To Dye Wool Felt With Kool Aid
Love the mottled colors and looks like a lot of fun! Rainbow Dyed Felt With KoolAid Tutorial at Fiona Duthie "Dyeing with food dyes, including Kool Aid is a great project for working with children, and can also be a practical way for anyone to get some...

- Tutorial - How To Make Hand Dyed Playsilks
I simply adore everything about this one from dyeing the silks with the kids to using them for all kinds of creative play. Love it! Hand Dyed Playsilks Tutorial at Raising Olives "Psst. Have you heard about playsilks? Playsilks are one of the most open-ended,...

