Tutorial - How to Do a Bobble Cast On

Tutorial - How to Do a Bobble Cast On


Bobble Cast On Tutorial at Heidi Bears
"The bobble cast on idea has a bit of a history. Since I fiddled with the Picot Cast On with a twist,
I have been plotting and scheming on how to make a bigger , fatter "picot". The only solution in my mind, is to make a bobble, but when I looked for some idea of how to do this, I couldn't find anything on the internet or in my book stash.... I sat for a whole day, fiddling and trying to figure out, and (it must be said, my faculties have lessened in acuity somewhat, since I had my kids...;) ), eventually came to the conclusion that one has to first knit a row before you can go ahead with the bobble bit..." Read more

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