Tutorial - How to Add Borders to a Quilt

Tutorial - How to Add Borders to a Quilt

Shows how to measure and cut quilt borders

Tutorial at From My Carolina Home Blog

 "This tutorial is to teach the why of putting on a border properly on a quilt.  There are countless new and experienced quilters using what we call the “slap and sew” method instead of the proper “measure and cut” method.  I thought I would show you the difference, and maybe convince you that the slap method isn’t a good one.  In order to do a proper job showing the difference in the two methods, I needed to make a couple of samples to use.  So, I did quarter-square triangles, mainly because it would optimize the bias edges and make the point clearer.  So, I sewed up 18 of them, squared them all up, and set them in rows of three".... Read more

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