Photoshop CS5 Photography Tutorials for Photoshop CS5 Photographers - Watch Photoshop CS5 Tutorials for Photographers
How can we use Photoshop from a photographic perspective in order to create engaging and intriguing images? If you're looking for Photoshop CS5 Photography tutorials that will help answer that question, then you might be interested in Photoshop CS5 for Photographers by The high-quality Photoshop CS5 tutorials for photographers in this excellent training course were designed specifically with Photoshop CS5 Photographers in mind. Topics include: Calibrating a monitor; Setting up color and file handling preferences; Processing images in Camera Raw; Making selections and taking advantage of the Refine Edge feature; Masking and selective sharpening; Improving a photo using Content-Aware Fill and the Puppet Warp tool; Enhancing color, tone, and contrast with Levels; Improving underexposure and overexposure using blending; Burning and dodging techniques; Converting an image to black and white; Retouching essentials; Publishing images to the web, and more! Watch the free videos below to learn more about the course, or you can also visit the course details page. And as a special promotion, visitors of Tutorials 101 can get a free 7-day trial pass, which gives you access to this entire course along with all the other training courses by
Photoshop CS5 for Photographers by
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Course Information
Training Provider: Title: Photoshop CS5 for Photographers Author: Chris Orwig Duration: 12hrs 24mins Date of release: 11 May 2010
Chapter 1: Strategies and Resources for Learning Becoming a successful student of Photoshop Strategies for success Taking visual snapshots The importance of the 30-minute blink Isolation Creative memorization Say it out loud Be prepared for surprises Why Photoshop CS5?
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Bridge and Mini Bridge What is Adobe Bridge? Introducing the Bridge workspace Using Bridge to review and evaluate photographs Working with Bridge and Photoshop Introducing Mini Bridge Working with Mini Bridge
Chapter 3: Color Settings and Preferences Choosing your color settings HUD color picker preferences Image interpolation preferences Zoom preferences Interface preferences File-handling preferences Performance preferences Cursor preferences Guides and type preview preferences
Chapter 4: The Foundations of Color Management Introducing color management Two simple steps for more accurate color Opening and saving files with embedded profiles Why color settings and monitor calibration matter Creative tip: Setting up your studio Monitor calibration Color management resources
Chapter 5: Getting Started with Photoshop Introducing the Tools panel Working with the Tools panel Viewing and arranging documents Combining multiple images Closing multiple images Working with panels Customizing your workspace Creating custom keyboard shortcuts Working with the Application bar and Full Screen view Working with a Wacom tablet
Chapter 6: Understanding Digital Images Bit depth 101 Introducing image size Resizing images Resizing by cropping Straightening an image Creative tip: Sizing images correctly
Chapter 7: Camera Raw Introducing the Camera Raw preferences Opening images in Camera Raw Using the basic Camera Raw controls Color correction and white balance Processing multiple images Crop and compose Converting to black and white Camera raw workflow Saving images from Adobe Camera Raw
Chapter 8: Layers Introducing transparency Introducing layers Working with layers Aligning layers Creating new layers Organizing layers Layer style effects Creating a clipping mask Targeting and moving layers Layers shortcuts
Chapter 9: Making Selections Using the Magic Wand Using the Quick Select tool to remove a background Using the Quick Select tool for creative color effects Using the Marquee Selection tool Using the Magnetic Lasso tool Using the Polygonal Lasso tool Making color range selections Using Refine Edge to improve selections Using Refine Edge with a color range Introducing paths Creating a path selection Using a path selection to improve color
Chapter 10: The Masking Panel Introducing masking Deconstructing how masking works Masking defined Refining masked edges Building a mask based on color Changing a color using a mask Masking and selective sharpening Using the Mask panel controls Quick Mask mode
Chapter 11: Custom Borders Creating a custom border using masking Using pre-built borders Exploring sample image frames
Chapter 12: The Adjustments Panel Introducing the Adjustments panel Using Hue/Saturation and the Target Adjustment tool Adjusting brightness and contrast Working with vibrance and saturation Working with adjustment layer presets
Chapter 13: Levels Introducing levels Enhancing color and tone with levels Modifying color and contrast with levels Using levels to make subjective color shifts Using levels and masking Creative tip: Checking in
Chapter 14: Curves Introducing the Curves dialog box Demystifying curves Using curves to modify color, contrast, and tone Combining selections and masking with curves Creating hand-painted masks Enhancing a portrait with hand-painted masks Using curves to enhance color Using multiple curves adjustments Using, modifying, and saving curves presets
Chapter 15: Blending Modes Creative tip: Blending two elements Introducing blending modes Blending modes visualized Blending multiple images together Using blending modes to remove white or black Improving overexposure using blending Improving underexposure using blending Blending shortcuts
Chapter 16: Color Correction Correcting color with the eyedroppers Correcting color and tone with the eyedroppers Correcting color with Camera Raw Camera Raw color correction with a color chart Color-correcting skin by the numbers
Chapter 17: Enhancing Colors Replacing color Replacing color with Hue/Saturation Modifying color with Selective Color Modifying multiple colors with Selective Color Creating dramatic sunset colors Using Color Balance to improve sunrise colors Using Color Balance, selections, and masks together Improving a family portrait with Color Balance Creative tip: Shoot more
Chapter 18: Burning and Dodging Creative tip: The digital darkroom Introducing the Burn and Dodge tools Using the Burn and Dodge tools Enhancing dimension with the Burn and Dodge tools Improving tone with the Burn and Dodge tools Using Soft Light for burning and dodging Darkening with the Soft Light blending mode Adding contrast to the highlights
Chapter 19: Black-and-White Conversion Introducing black-and-white conversion Converting a portrait to black-and-white Converting a landscape to black-and-white Adding grain and tone to a black-and-white image Creative tip: Seeing beyond color
Chapter 21: Removing Noise Reducing noise with Surface Blur Using the Noise Reduction filter Advanced noise reduction using channels
Chapter 22: Image Cleanup Using the Dust and Scratches filter Removing dust and scratches with masking Introducing the trio of healing tools Using the Healing and Clone Stamp tools Healing along edges and areas of contrast Healing and patching Using Content-Aware Fill Using multiple content-aware tools for the best results Making multiple selections with Content-Aware Fill Deleting unwanted elements Removing a garment strap with spot healing Cleaning up an image with spot healing, cloning, and healing
Chapter 23: Retouching Essentials Creative tip: Leaving crumbs Whitening teeth Improving eyes Changing eye color Enhancing makeup Removing blemishes Softening skin Reducing shadows around eyes Reducing and removing wrinkles around eyes Improving highlights and shadows Changing body size and shape with Liquify Modifying the body with Puppet Warp
Chapter 24: Correcting Distortion and Perspective Using the Lens Correction filter Removing distortion with Automatic Lens Correction Improving a portrait with Lens Correction Using Free Transform to correct perspective Using Puppet Warp to correct perspective Changing a portrait with Puppet Warp
Chapter 25: Sharpening Introducing Smart Sharpen Smart Sharpen demystified Smart Sharpen and masking Using Smart Sharpen on small details Using the Unsharp Mask filter High Pass sharpening an image
Chapter 26: Getting Images Online Resizing for the web and email Sharpening for the web and email Correcting color for the web and email Saving and exporting images for the web and email Creating a web gallery Sharing photos online
Chapter 27: Printing Desktop printing recommendations Creating a PDF layout and contact sheets Resizing and sharpening for a specific print size Using Soft Proof to preview the print Using the Print dialog box Choosing printer settings
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